June 2023
Dear Freeport Families,
As we come to the end of another extraordinary school year, we have so much to celebrate. Our dedicated work has led to amazing successes and we should all be proud of the accomplishments of the 2022-2023 school year. After a year of going full speed ahead, a slower, more relaxed pace is needed in our lives. It is time to look forward to the long summer days filled with fun, family, friends and the time to do whatever you enjoy most.
This truly has been an exceptional year and our students amazed us this year as they won numerous awards and accolades for academics, musical performances, the arts and athletics. With a priority of addressing learning loss, we continued our rigorous focus on raising literacy and mathematic proficiency and our data is showing an upward trend. Our students competed and placed highly in many local state, and national competitions including the Ethics Bowl, Odyssey of the Mind and Future Problem Solvers and our Robotics team became National Champions. Eighteen of our Varsity teams are considered Scholar Athletes with the majority of the team having grade averages over 90 percent. Our star athletes made us proud as Champions in a variety of sports. We are considered a Best Community in Music Education for the sixth year in a row and our musical groups performed at numerous prestigious venues and competitions and received the highest levels of awards. We are proud of the many faculty members who earned recognition for their outstanding work this year.
We wish our retirees all the best as they move on to the next phase of their lives. Their dedication and devotion to our students and their families was appreciated and we hope their days are filled with all the interests they plan to pursue. Our graduating Seniors are moving on to their post-secondary plans knowing we have done our utmost to prepare them. We wish them success in their endeavors knowing they will continue to be Changemakers as they become our next generation of leaders.
The Board of Education and I wish you all a wonderful summer break engaging in fun activities, relaxing, and enjoying time with family and friends. I look forward to seeing all our students and families in September for the beginning of our next awesome school year together.
Dr. Kishore Kuncham