Third grade students at the Bayview Avenue Elementary School spent time with Hofstra University Museum of Art educators Sara Schaeffer and Eileen McKenna to prepare for their first visit to the university’s museum and participation in a special arts program throughout the school year.
The students became art travelers through time as they received their art journals and a magnifying glass to learn more about various artifacts before their trip to the museum. The art educators shared that artifacts are human-made objects that contain information about life long ago. The students were filled with curiosity as they were given antique toasters to examine for clues and to identify what it was and its purpose. The students collaborated and wrote their thoughts into their journals. It was quite a surprise when they realized it was actually a toaster, looking nothing like the toasters they had in their own homes.
As a result of the introduction to the program, the students will have a more memorable learning experience when they visit the museum and participate in additional programs during the year.