New Visions School is proud to recognize Ms. Aneesah Abdus-Shakur for “Transcending expectations through outstanding commitment to students’ success and achievement.”
Ms. Abdus-Shakur graduated from Molloy College with a bachelor’s degree in International Peace and Justice and received her certification in elementary education. She began her career in the Freeport Public School District in 1989 as a substitute teacher and then became a general education teacher. She quickly built a friendly rapport with staff as she shared her knowledge of educating our students. Ms. Abdus-Shakur works closely with classroom teachers to plan solid instruction. She provides individualized instruction that ensures the social-emotional well-being and academic success of all her students. Even during this challenging time of COVID, she made sure her students received the proper services and interventions needed for success. Ms. Abdus-Shakur has attended a wide array of conferences and always turnkeys big ideas from Professional Development to her colleagues and administrators.
Not only does Ms. Abdus-Shakur support her colleagues and students, she supports the administrators in the building as well. I first met Aneesah at my first interview committee and once I entered New Visions, she welcomed me with open arms. Over the years, she has conducted and participated in many DEI PDs and routinely shares her wealth of knowledge with our staff at New Visions.
Here’s what Ms. Abdus-Shakur’s colleagues had to say about her: “Aneesah is a colleague and a friend, she is outstanding when it comes to collaborations, adaptability, empathy and patience. She has an engaging classroom presence, values real-world learning and incorporates best practices. We love her and she will truly be missed at New Visions.” “She always goes above and beyond for her students and staff. She is always willing to help out our new teachers.” “She is dedicated to her staff, both emotionally and academically. She strives for students’ success on a daily basis and supports her children through it all.”
Aneesah always speaks so highly of her family, especially her sister and nieces. Ms. Abdus- Shakur’s sister stated, “ She has always wanted to be a school teacher and her heart is with second grade. She has lived and worked in Freeport and is vested in Freeport’s children. She teaches to the whole child which allows her to connect heart to heart with students”.
Her family thinks Mom’s enduring love has a presence at this celebration for Aneesah.
In closing, Ms. Abdus-Shakur exemplifies all of the qualities that an administrator looks for in a teacher. She is a resident of Freeport and expects nothing but the best for the community and families here.
Over the course of her career, Ms. Abdus-Shakur has often been challenged to take on tremendous responsibilities, yet she handles them all with grace and a smile. For all you do Aneesah, we say, “Thank You!” for transcending expectations through outstanding commitment to students’ success and achievement.”
“We love and appreciate you! It gives us great pleasure to present to Dr. Kuncham and his Cabinet, Ms. Abdus-Shakur, our transcendent 2023 change maker.