It was an exciting day for students at Archer Street School as they gathered outside and anxiously awaited the arrival of Long Island Nets mascot Dale the Eagle.
Dale the Eagle, along with representatives from the Long Island Nets and Jovia Bank, did not arrive empty handed. As the students cheered and shouted “Let’s Go Nets!” boxes of school supplies were unloaded. Thanks to the generosity of the Long Island Nets and Jovia Bank staff and bankers $2,500 worth of donated supplies were delivered and will be used by the students throughout the school year.
“On behalf of the Archer students and staff, we thank you for your generosity and wonderful school supplies,” Archer Principal Paul Lein said. “These supplies will help our students achieve their goals during the school year.”
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kishore Kuncham along with Assistant Superintendent for Educational and Administrative Services Dr. Helen Kanellopoulos, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Glori Engel and Archer Street School Principal Paula Lein joined the students in thanking representatives from the Long Island Nets and Jovia Bank for their generous donation of school supplies.
Dale the Eagle delighted the students as he mingled among them encouraging them to dance and show their school spirit. It was an exciting day and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
In addition, the district would like to thank the following organizations who have generously donated back packs and school supplies to schools throughout the district since the start of the school year: American Transit, Hicksville Rotary, Staples, Supplies for Success and the United Way.
“On behalf of our students throughout the district, I wish to thank each of these organizations for their thoughtfulness and generous donations,” Dr. Kuncham said. “Our students will use the school supplies during the school year as they work to achieve their goals of academic success.”